Work in Progress
- The Corporate Taxaton of Small-sized Enterprises
This paper studies how firms learn changes in the tax schedule, how much avoidance is important in their behavior and what is the impact of both on the elasticity of taxable income to the corporate income tax (CIT). To do so, I use a 20-years panel of tax administrative data on French companies with French exhaustive employer-employee data. I leverage the implementation of a kink at 38.120AC in the CIT in 2001, under which the tax rate is reduced from 33.3% to 15%. I show that firms take years to understand correctly the tax code. On average, it takes 5 years for firms to be correct on their tax liability. I find large and dynamic bunching at the kink, up to 17% of the normal number of firms in 2012. This allows me to compute the elasticity of taxable income to the CIT rate, which ranges from 0.03 the first year of the reform to 0.29 ten years after. This dynamic pattern is largely explained by learning and also partly by the creation of new firms exactly at the kink. From 2013 onward, the bunching mass decreases which coincides with the introduction of a new payroll tax credit. Finally, I show that avoidance explains at least a part of the observed bunching, while the productivity channel is not consistent with how firms react around the kink.
Paper presented at: CREST 1st year PhD students Workshop (Paris, 2023), CREST Firms & Market Seminar (Paris, 2024), CESifo Public Economics Area Conference (Munich, 2024), ZEW Public Finance Conference (Mannheim 2024), The 80th Annual Congress of the International Institute of Public Finance (Prague, 2024)
Non-academic Publications & Papers
- En 2020, la chute de la consommation a alimenté l’épargne, faisant progresser notamment les hauts patrimoines financiers : quelques résultats de l’exploitation de données bancaires, with Odran Bonnet and Tom Olivia, Note de conjoncture, 2021 (available in english here).
- Prédire l’activité économique à partir d’articles de presse, with Stéphanie Himpens and Guillaume Arion, Journées de Méthodologie Statistique de l’INSEE, 2022.
- Innover dans l’administration avec l’IA et la Data Science, Datadrink from Etalab, with Christine Fong and Ruben Partouche, 2021